“How did you discover HoloLive and start watching their broadcasts?”
It was a natural progression of my hobbies. I’ve been interested in VTubers since 2017-2018, when I’ve encountered them for the very first time in my life. This got me curious about technology behind them, and I honestly initially thought that it wasn’t real people, but some kind of A. I. , lol.
But then I felt exhausted after consuming unhealthy amounts of this kind of content and stopped watching them for a while.
That was until summer of 2019. I think I saw Youtube recommending me fan-translated clips of indie VTubers, and eventually this lead me to discover more of them through those fan-translations, and among them – Hololive JP talents.
After that I’ve started watching streams instead of short, translated highlight videos.
2. あなたが特に注目しているホロライブメンバーはどなたでしょうか? その理由も教えて下さい。(ホロライブENでもJPでも選んで大丈夫です)
“Who is your favorite hololive member? Please tell me the reason. (You can choose either HoloLive EN or JP)”
It’s a very hard question. and I think it’s partly due to some cultural difference, but I don’t really have my absolute favorite HL talent. I like a lot of them equally, but if I was forced to choose, then that’d be either 猫又おかゆさん or 大空スバルさん, because both of them feel very “genuine”, in my opinion.
I like Okayu for her soft and calming voice, which helps me fall asleep after a hard days’ work, and I like Subaru for her energy, persistence and infectious positive attitude. But even though I’m naming only these two, I still hope that every single Hololive talent succeeds and finds their own niche.
“Many of the members of HoloLive broadcast in Japanese. How do you understand their conversation?”
I do know some Japanese. I can’t speak it properly, but I know enough to get the “feel” of conversation and pick out key words that help me understand it. In fact, I’ve found out that watching Hololive JP streams is a good way to study japanese language, because it lets me immerse myself in it completely. Game streams are especially helpful in this regard – they tend to be linguistically simple and more easy to understand, which allows viewers to make easier connection between spoken words and actions on the screen. I hope this makes sense.
私は日本語が少し分かります。まともに話すことはできませんが、会話の「雰囲気」を感じ取ったり、理解するためのキーワードを拾ったりするには十分です。実際、日本語を勉強するには、ホロライブJPの配信を見るのが良い方法だとわかりました。それらが私をすっかり夢中にさせてくれるものだからです。特にゲームの配信は、言葉がシンプルで理解しやすいので、画面上の動作と結びつけやすくなります。配信で日本語を学ぶのは とても理にかなってるんですよ。
“Do you feel any difference between Japanese HoloLive and HoloLive EN?”
I do feel that it is somewhat unique. In a sense that HoloEN is using HoloJP for its blueprint, despite vast cultural differences between english and japanese speaking fans and their attitude towards VTubers. HoloEN feels more segregated/isolated compared to HoloJP, and I think part of that is because of how Cover Corp has been updating their company policies and guidelines in regards to new applicants, making them more strict.
Other than that, I get the feeling that HoloEN is being kept in a golden cage, so to speak, to prevent them from interacting with HoloJP too much, for reasons that I don’t really understand myself.
I just wish I could look at HoloEN as if it was created 2 or 3 years ago, when Cover rules weren’t as strict, but alas.
確かに、それぞれがユニークだと思います。HoloENはHoloJPをベースにしているわけですが、英語圏のファンと日本語圏のファンのVTuberに対する考え方には大きな文化的な違いがあります。そして、 HoloJPに比べてHoloENはより個々のVTuberが離されている感じがしますが、それはカバー社が新規応募者に対して会社の方針やガイドラインを更新して、より厳しくしていることが原因のひとつだと思います。
5.あなたの友人や知人の中にもホロライブを見ている方はいますか? もしいるとすれば、彼らとホロライブについて感想を話し合ったりしますか?
“Are there any friends or acquaintances who are watching the HoloLive? If yes, do you talk and share idea with them about HoloLive?”
Well yes, of course I’ve got some friends on Internet who are watching them as well. We have discord servers to discuss our favorite talents and their streams, but there’s also 4chan and other sites where you can connect with other Hololive fans. Oh and twitter, of course. Then again, you don’t always only find “fans” in places like twitter or 4chan, there’s a lot of antis as well, but it can’t be helped. it’s all part of the natural internet discourse after all.
6.ホロライブ以外のVTuberを観ることはありますか? いる場合は、名前も教えて下さい。
“Do you watch VTuber other than Hollow Live? If so, please tell me their name”
I do, in fact I tend to support a lot of talents outside of Hololive. I watch VTubers from Nijisanji, VOMS and plenty of indies, including english-speaking ones, or even agencies like VShojo.
However since I’m russian myself, I do feel like I should pay respects to some of my nation’s VTubers and name Mana Renewal as the one I’m keeping a close eye on. I really hope that she and her agency become more popular, and I wish to be there alongside them when they reach success, cheering them on.
しかし、私はロシア人なので、母国のVTuberに敬意を払いたいと思っています。特に注目しているVTuberはMana Renewalです。彼女と彼女の所属事務所がもっと人気になってほしいし、成功したときには一緒になって応援したいと思っています。
“Please tell me the interesting points and advantages of VTuber culture”.
It’s always hard to choose those “points”.
I remember watching a documentary about VTubers a few years called “Binary Skin”. It brought up a few points that I still remember vividly:
-Being VTuber is probably the only way to feel truly “free” as an entertainer. Because you leave behind the person who you were, instead taking on a completely new persona, building yourself from scratch.
-I think a lot of talents are using this opportunity not only to gain popularity, but to cope with their own problems. There’s a few VTubers out there who could never become entertainers if not for this new medium. People like Ironmouse, an english-speaking VTuber – she’s got a terminal disease that left her almost bedridden, but thanks to VTubing she has managed to find an outlet, and to even try to solve her health issues. Or people who are going through some hard times and using VTubing as an outlet to vent themselves and their problems, while remaining anonymous.
But no matter how liberating or helpful Vtuber phenomena can be, I feel like it’s suffering from the same problems as idol-culture in Japan. A lot of people are projecting their para-social attachment on talents and get too obsessive about it, which in turn leads to stalking, slander and unhealthy, dark obsession with not even real people, but mere facsimile of a person on the screen.
I understand the mind of an otaku, but I feel like there are lines that should never be crossed no matter how delusional person can be, but thanks to VTubing, the line between what’s “real” and what’s “not real” is becoming more blurred, which in turn can lead to more mentally unstable people making terrible mistakes.
I hope this helps! Sorry I couldn’t answer you in Japanese, but I’d be glad to clarify any points that I’ve made, should you have any questions!
数年前にVTuberのドキュメンタリー番組「バイナリー・スキン」を見たのを覚えています。 そこで紹介され、今でも鮮明に覚えている印象的なことを挙げたいと思います。
・人気を得るためだけでなく、自分の問題を解決するためにVTuberを利用している中の人も多いと思います。VTuberの中には、このメディアがなければ絶対にエンターテイナーになれなかった人たちがいます。英語圏のVTuberであるアイアンマウス(Vshojo)のように、彼女は末期の病気でほとんど寝たきりになってしまったが、VTuberのおかげでそのはけ口を見つけ、健康問題を解決しようとすることができました。 あるいは、何か辛いことがあったときに、VTuberを利用して、匿名のままで自分の悩みを吐き出すことができる人もいます。
“How did you discover HoloLive and start watching their broadcasts?”
2. あなたが特に注目しているホロライブメンバーはどなたでしょうか? その理由も教えて下さい。(ホロライブENでもJPでも選んで大丈夫です)
“Who is your favorite hololive member? Please tell me the reason. (You can choose either HoloLive EN or JP)”
“Many of the members of HoloLive broadcast in Japanese. How do you understand their conversation?”
“Do you feel any difference between Japanese HoloLive and HoloLive EN?”
ちょっと違うんですね。calliopeもguraもアメリカの文化があるからちょっと違うんです。アメリカの冗談よく使います。すみません、これはちょっと難しんので英語の説明も書きます.I think for Gura and Calliope, they are influenced by american culture so they make a lot of jokes that americans or other english speakers get, but the same can be said for Coco.
5.あなたの友人や知人の中にもホロライブを見ている方はいますか? もしいるとすれば、彼らとホロライブについて感想を話し合ったりしますか?
“Are there any friends or acquaintances who are watching the HoloLive? If yes, do you talk and share idea with them about HoloLive?”
6.ホロライブ以外のVTuberを観ることはありますか? いる場合は、名前も教えて下さい。
“Do you watch VTuber other than Hollow Live? If so, please tell me their name”
“Please tell me the interesting points and advantages of VTuber culture”.
I think the ability to create a character and have it be influenced by the voice behind it is amazing. There is a lot more freedoms that a Vtuber can have compared to a normal streamer. Also, I think it is a good way for some people to try out other genders and things, such as Ryuushen or Melissa Kinrenka from Nijisanji.
If you would like me to expand on anything I talked about, I would be happy to talk more.