Home » 「HoloCure」開発者インタビュー なぜ海外ユーザーが「ホロライブ」のファンゲームを制作したのか?

VTuber 2022.10.02

「HoloCure」開発者インタビュー なぜ海外ユーザーが「ホロライブ」のファンゲームを制作したのか?


今年の9月には大型アップデートも行われ、日本在住のホロライブVTuberも登場するようになりました。今回は、製作者のKay Yuさんに制作の経緯について詳しくお聞きしました(※制作者は海外在住のため、このインタビューは英語文章で回答をいただきました。記事では内容を翻訳し、掲載します。)

――そもそも「ホロライブ」を知ったきっかけはどういったものでしたか?(How did you come to know about HoloLive?)

Kay Yu




ちなみにですが、いまはJPの配信も少しは理解できます! 2年以上もホロライブの素晴らしいメンバーの配信を頻繁に聞いていたおかげで、まだそんなに話すことはできませんが、少しずつ日本語を聴いて理解できるようになってきたのです。これからも、できるかぎり日本語を学んでいこうと思っています! ホロライブのタレントさんたち、わたしに日本語を教えてくれてありがとう(笑)。

As an artist that posted often on Twitter, I browsed the website a lot. One day I saw a clip on Twitter that went viral being retweeted by friends. It was around February or March of 2020. I don’t exactly remember what clip it was, but I think it was a moment of a Minecraft stream from Pekora or Miko. It was really funny! Initially, I only enjoyed the twitter video and didn’t think much of it. However, I started seeing more and more funny clips on Twitter and even Youtube of similar 2D anime girls livestreaming games, and I became more interested in them over time. I searched up who these characters are and learned about Hololive. I was not able to understand any Japanese back then and I couldn’t watch their streams, but I really enjoyed seeing a lot of very funny clips from them. The one clip I remember really enjoying the most is watching Pekora build a “TNT Cannon” in minecraft, but she failed and blew herself up (lol). From then on, I fell into the rabbit hole of watching more and more clips… Eventually, I started watching their livestreams even though I couldn’t understand most of it. And it kept continuing from there until I started watching just about every member in Hololive! As a side note, I can understand a good amount of JP streams now! Thanks to listening to streams from all the wonderful Hololive members frequently for over 2 years, I’ve begun to slowly be able to hear and understand Japanese, even if I can’t speak that much yet. I am trying to learn it as much as possible! Thank you Hololive talents for teaching me Japanese (lol)

――なぜ「HoloCure」を制作しようと考えたのでしょうか?(Why did you decide to create HoloCure?)

Kay Yu
2022年の初頭に、いろんな配信者の方を通して『Vampire Survivors』というゲームを知りました。とても面白そうなゲームで、自分でも詳しく知りたい、ゲームをやってみたいと思いました。単純なゲームながら、夢中にさせるところがあるのがすごく気に入りました。


ゲームデザインについて学習したり、なぜゲームが面白いのかを理解したりするのは楽しいことです。『Vampire Survivors』に出会ったとき、ゲームデザインの観点から見て面白いと思いました。このシンプルな3ドルのゲームが、どうして突然口コミで成功をおさめるようになったのか、解き明かしたかったのです。そのゲームプレイは、いままで自分が見てきたゲームとは違っていて、見ていてじつに興味深いものでした。


たくさんのメンバーがこのゲームで楽しんでいるのを見て、「もし『Vampire Survivors』に似た、ホロライブのタレントが主役の二次創作ゲームがあったらどうだろう?」と思ったのです。

当時もすでに、ホロライブコミュニティのファンアートやファンアニメーションは作っていたのですが、じつを言うと、「もっとやりたい」という気持ちがずっとありました。ホロライブには、何年も楽しませてもらってきたので、なにかお返しをしたかったのです。アートやアニメーション以上の何か。『Vampire Survivors』はゲームとしてみれば、限られた時間でも作れるような気がしたので、空いた時間にできるかなと思い、プロトタイプを作り始めました。

Earlier this year in 2022, I learned about the game “Vampire Survivors” through various streamers. It seemed like a really interesting game and I wanted to learn about it and try it myself. I really loved how simple of a game it is, yet it is very addictive.

Though most people see me as an illustrator or animator, I’ve always been interested in game design. Game development and programming is what I studied in University. I enjoy learning about game design and understanding why games are fun. When I stumbled across Vampire Survivors, it was interesting to look at it from the perspective of game design because I wanted to figure out why this simplistic $3 game was becoming such a viral success so suddenly. The gameplay was different from any games I’ve seen before, so it was really interesting to look at.

Eventually I saw that everyone was playing and talking about it. A lot of Hololive members were streaming it, and I really enjoyed those streams as the girls were having a lot of fun. One day the idea struck me suddenly. Seeing so many Hololive members enjoying this game, I thought “What if there was a Hololive fan game featuring the talents that played similar to Vampire Survivors?”. I was already making some fan art and fan animations for the Hololive community at this time, but to be honest, I’ve always felt like I wanted to do more. Hololive has provided me with a lot of enjoyment over the years, and I really wanted to do something in return. Something bigger than art and animations. When I looked at Vampire Survivors as a game, it seemed like something I might be able to create in a limited amount of free time, so I began developing a prototype to see if this was doable in my spare time.

――「HoloCure」を制作する上で注力したことは何でしょうか?(What did you focus on when creating “HoloCure”?)

Kay Yu



加えて、誰もがこのゲームに参加できていると感じられるようにしたかったのもあります。ホロライブタレントはもちろん、ファンやスタッフもです! みんな、何かしらのかたちで表現されるに値すると思っています。ファンを「モブ」として登場させることで、コミュニティ全体がゲームに表現されるようになっています。ホロライブファンはみんな平等に大切なので、みんなを巻き込んで、最終的にはどのお気に入りのメンバーでも遊べるように意識しました。

When developing HoloCure, I felt that there were some key points that must be prioritized. I wanted to make sure this game doesn’t negatively impact anyone for any reason. This is a game that should highlight the best things from Hololive and its community. This determines how I design characters and the story of the game as well. I didn’t want to make anyone feel bad about a certain trait or characteristic in a character’s skill or abilities that represents the Hololive members, so I made sure that all skills, weapons, and abilities were positive things that we can highlight and show our appreciation for. Similarly, all character abilities must only provide positive effects. Sometimes, there may be some slight teasing with skill names, but it is all in good fun, because we love those traits about the Hololive talents (lol).

In addition, I wanted to make everyone feel included with this game. This is with regards to both the Hololive talents as well as the fans, and even staff! I think everyone deserves to be represented in some way. Having the fans be the “mobs” of the game allowed the whole community to be represented in the game. All fans of Hololive are equally important, so of course I want to make sure that everyone is included, and everyone can play as all their favorite members too, eventually.

――ゲームを制作する上で参考にしたコンテンツはありますか?(Are there any contents that you referred to when creating the game?)

Kay Yu






From watching Hololive streams and clips almost everyday for over 2 years now, I’ve accumulated a lot of memories of Hololive (lol). There are a lot of significant moments and memories to draw from and it is how I determine designs for the game. Of course, I can’t know everything about every single member, so I generally do some research to confirm information when I design characters or other parts of the game. If there are members that I’m not too familiar with, I’ll find some friends that may know more to talk to and gather ideas, or search on the web for anything that can be used as a game mechanic. It’s ironic, but working on this game made me end up watching even more Hololive content (lol). There are members that I’ve started to watch more than before. After researching some members more, I’ve discovered new things I didn’t know about them before and found them very fun to watch!

Sometimes, it’s difficult, however. Every Hololive talent has their own personalities, their key moments, and unique jokes. However, not everything can be used to translate into a game mechanic. When designing characters for HoloCure, I try to find a central mechanic that sets that character apart and be a fun gameplay experience. This part is especially important. In order to be a fun character in terms of gameplay within HoloCure, there must be some unique mechanic that determines how that character plays. Then we find traits and characteristics from the Hololive talent themselves to tie into that gameplay. Sometimes, a Hololive member might have some very noteworthy traits or key moments as a streamer, but it doesn’t always translate easily into a cohesive gameplay mechanic. When playing HoloCure characters you may notice that generally, a character’s 3 skills and even their special work together in some way. The challenge is to find 3 different traits we can highlight about a Hololive member in a way that can work together to create a complete gameplay experience. So it’s a tricky problem to solve sometimes… In the end, I try to focus on establishing a strong gameplay experience first, and then go with the character traits that make it work.

――「HoloCure」は、多くのホロライブVTuberにプレイされています。そのことに対して何か感想はありますか? (HoloCure” is played by many hololive VTubers. Do you have any thoughts on that?)

Kay Yu






みんな楽しんでいて、素晴らしいことだと思います。最初のデモをリリースしてすぐに配信予定していたメンバーがいたのも覚えています。「え!? これプレイしてるんですか!?」と声に出てしまいました(笑)。


Thank you to all Hololive VTubers and all other players that enjoy HoloCure. It is a big dream come true that I was able to create a game for so many people to play. When I first developed the game, I wasn’t expecting too many people to play it. Maybe one or two members of Hololive might try it, and I would’ve already been very happy about that. Before HoloCure there were already some very great Hololive fangames by other talented individuals in the community, so we had those games as reference for what to expect. Early on, I was talking with some of my friends and the rest of the team about what we should expect when it is released. We were estimating around 5000-10000 people to try it out for maybe an hour or so. Internally we thought this will just be a quick little game that people try for a little while and then move on. To us, this is how fan games are generally received and that’s okay! It wasn’t meant to be anything big.

Fast forward to today, September 2022, and we were wrong about everything. The first sign of this is the leaderboard. Assuming we would have our initial estimate of 5000-10,000 players, the online leaderboard ranking would have functioned normally. However, within the first 24 hours of the initial release, there were so many players uploading so many scores that the cost to maintain the rankings database was too high for us to keep up with. 24 hours after the 0.4 update was released on September 9th, there were already 200,000 downloads. Now it seems like more than half of the talents in Hololive have played and streamed it, and all their fans have been exposed to the game at least as well. Everyone is enjoying it and it is wonderful. Early on, I remember seeing some members scheduling streams very quickly after the first demo was released. I said out loud, “Eh!? You’re playing this!?” (lol)

To everyone, thank you very much for playing!!!

――ホロライブの多くのファンも「HoloCure」をプレイしています。嬉しい感想は届いていますか?(Many fans of HoloLive also play “HoloCure”. Have you received any positive feedback?)

Kay Yu


The reception of HoloCure has been wonderful. It is so good to see so many people enjoying the game and laughing at the jokes. When I developed this game, all I wanted was for people to have fun, laugh, and enjoy themselves with the game. Seeing this come true makes all the hard work worth it.

I’ve received an endless amount of positive feedback, suggestions, questions, and other messages and I want to thank everyone for their support. While I don’t respond to everyone, I personally read a lot of the feedback and keep it in mind. Sometimes I won’t be able to address everything and put in every change that players ask for, but I will continue to try making it the best game I can.

――今後も「HoloCure」をアップデートする予定はありますか? 何か新情報あれば、お聞かせください。(Do you have any plans to update “HoloCure” in the future? If you have any new information, please let us know.)

Kay Yu
いま現在HoloCureには、Myth、Council、Project Hope、Gen 0、そしてホロライブゲーマーズがプレイアブルキャラクターとして登場しています。すでにたくさんのメンバーがいますが、まだ半分にもいっていません!







As of right now, HoloCure has the talents of Hololive EN’s Myth, Council, Project Hope, Gen 0, and Hololive Gamers as playable characters. There are already a lot of members, but we are not even halfway yet! There are still so many wonderful members of Hololive that I want to include, so there will be more updates in the future. I personally don’t want to stop until everyone is included. Seeing various members play and enjoy the game only pushes me to continue working on it further, because I would not want anyone to feel left out. Wonderful members from Gen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ID, and HoloStars have played this game. How could I stop now before they get added?

However, there will always be things that get in the way in reality. We have to face the truth that HoloCure is only a fan project. Me, as the main developer of the game, have other work obligations to maintain long term financial stability. I have a full time job as an animator so that unfortunately comes first before I can work on HoloCure in my own time. While I want to continue working on HoloCure as much as possible, it can only be done in a limited amount of time per day. This means future updates will generally take longer than I wish was possible, and I hope everyone is able to understand this without too much regret.

Unless something in the future prevents me from working on HoloCure, I will continue to make more updates and add more content until everyone is eventually in the game. I want to continue evolving the gameplay as well, so that things feel new and fresh each update. It may take a while, but please look forward to it in the future.


HoloCure by Kay Yu (itch.io)
